KNJNelectronic development products

All orders are shipped from California, USA.

Domestic shipping

We ship to the USA using USPS first-class or priority mail. All packages include a tracking number.

Order TotalS&H fee
All orders$4.95

We can also ship using UPS, FedEx and DHL on request.

International shipping

We ship internationally using USPS first-class mail international or express mail international. All express mail packages include a tracking number.

Order TotalS&H fee
All orders$14.95

We can also ship using GXG, UPS, FedEx and DHL.
Please contact us to determine eligibility and cost.

International buyers are responsible for duty taxes charged by the destination country's postal service or custom service.

Volume discount

Most products are discounted when two or more of the same product are placed in the shopping cart. To see the discount calculated in real-time, go to any shopping page and click multiple times on the product's "+1" button. The price per unit decreases as quantity increases.


We do not charge VAT or other taxes, except a 8.75% sales tax for US California customers.

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